Introduction Many of us have a conceptual understanding of angels. For some of us, our understanding of angels is based upon what we have read in the Bible, books or seen in movies. For example, if you were asked to draw a picture of an angel and describe what the angel does…what would you draw and what would you say? (Think about your answer.) Some may draw a human-like angel with a white flowing garment and wings as they fly around or play a musical instrument (likely a harp). I must admit this describes my conceptual understanding just a short time ago. The intent of this writing is to replace our conceptual images with definitive scripture-based information that supports a more accurate, deeper and broader understanding of angels. Due to the length of content, this lesson may only be read via a downloadable PDF file (which includes the thought- provoking questions). Listed below is a summary overview of key lesson content. All angels are God-created, including holy and fallen angels. Holy angels may be categorized: Throne Room, the Angel of the Lord, Archangel, Messenger, and Ministering. o Throne Room angels include Cherubim, Seraphim and Living Creatures. o The Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament spoke with words that can only come from God. o Michael is the prince of archangels. o Gabriel was instrumental in delivering messages to Daniel, the father of John the Baptist, and to the mother and earthly father of Jesus. o There are multiple instances of ministering angels fulfilling God’s will and influencing history. o Angels will be involved in delivering God’s wrath during the last days. Additional angelic information: o We are to worship God only and not angels. o Angels can transform into a physical body. o Angels experience emotions. o Angels do not marry or procreate. o There are at least 100 million holy angels. Fallen angels are those who decided to follow Satan in a rebellion against God. o Satan and his angels were defeated by Michael and were cast down to earth. o Satan was an anointed cherub. o Fallen angels and demons: There is a hierarchy of fallen angels (thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers). Fallen angels and demons have different characteristics. Demons may have a different origin than fallen angels. God’s spirit within a born-again believer precludes Christian demonization. Demons will attempt to harass, oppress and create temptations for Christians. o Satan, his fallen angels, death, hell, and those not found written in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. Can you think of someone who could benefit from reading this lesson? If yes, CLICK HERE for more info.
Introduction Many of us have a conceptual understanding of angels. For some of us, our understanding of angels is based upon what we have read in the Bible, books or seen in movies. For example, if you were asked to draw a picture of an angel and describe what the angel does…what would you draw and what would you say? (Think about your answer.) Some may draw a human-like angel with a white flowing garment and wings as they fly around or play a musical instrument (likely a harp). I must admit this describes my conceptual understanding just a short time ago. The intent of this writing is to replace our conceptual images with definitive scripture-based information that supports a more accurate, deeper and broader understanding of angels. Due to the length of content, this lesson may only be read via a downloadable PDF file (which includes the thought-provoking questions). Listed below is a summary overview of key lesson content. All angels are God-created, including holy and fallen angels. Holy angels may be categorized: Throne Room, the Angel of the Lord, Archangel, Messenger Angel, and Ministering Angels. o Throne Room angels include Cherubim, Seraphim and Living Creatures. o The Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament spoke with words that can only come from God. o Michael is the prince of all warrior angels. o Gabriel was instrumental in delivering messages to Daniel, the father of John the Baptist, and to the mother and earthly father of Jesus. o There are multiple instances of ministering angels fulfilling God’s will and influencing history. o Angels will be involved in delivering God’s wrath during the last days. Additional angelic information: o We are to worship God only and not angels. o Angels can transform into a physical body. o Angels experience emotions. o Angels do not marry or procreate. o There are at least 100 million holy angels. Fallen angels are those who decided to follow Satan in a rebellion against God. o Satan and his angels were defeated by Michael and were cast down to earth. o Satan was an anointed cherub. o Fallen angels and demons: There is a hierarchy of fallen angels (thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers). Fallen angels and demons have different characteristics. Demons may have a different origin than fallen angels. God’s spirit within a born-again believer precludes Christian demonization. Demons will attempt to harass, oppress and create temptations for Christians. o Satan, his fallen angels, death, hell, and those not found written in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. Can you think of someone who could benefit from reading this lesson? If yes, CLICK HERE for more info.